Freundeskreis Europäischer Modellbahner eV.


Regional Group FREMO-ITALIA Meetings

Meetings are organized for FREMO-Italia members or any other FREMO Regional Group or FREMO member. These aren't exhibitions, but visitors are welcomed and sometimes can fulfill an operating role.

There's no admission fee, but visitors must contact organizers before the meeting.

Here is a list of next and past meetings.

  • may 28th-30th 2010, Brescia (BS): FREMO-Italia N has organized a meeting in one secondary building of the Brescia municipality.
    During this session we have used a 1:6 Fast Clock and radio communication from Operators and a Dispatcher located in a separate room, without the layout view.
    A standard FREMO Loconet network was used to connect Digitraxx DCC Central Station and all the hand held FREDI trottles.
    A welcome guest ( and Operator) was Stephan Wemig, a friend from Rosenheim (DE) Fremo group.
    More info clik may 28th-30th meeting 
  • page.

  • june 20th-21th 2009, Brescia (BS): FREMO-Italia N has organized a meeting in one secondary building of the Brescia municipality.
    During this session we have used a 1:6 Fast Clock and radio communication from Operators and a Dispatcher located in a separate room, without the layout view.
    On this layout a second "coulisse" ( a staging ) was added to the previous modules chain and was introduced a color code to recognize all staging destination
    More info clik june 20th-21th meeting
  • page.

  • march 1st-2nd 2008, Torrazza Piemonte (TO): FREMO-Italia N organized a meeting in a town hall large room.
    During this session we used fast clock, transreceivers that allowed comunication between train crews and a dispatcher who was regulating traffic in an adjacent room, without seeing the layout.
    For more info click on march 1st-2nd meeting page.
  • june 15th-16th 2007, Oleggio (NO): FREMO-Italia N organized a meeting in the town's sport palace.
    During this session we used transreceivers that allowed comunication between train crews and a dispatcher who was regulating traffic in an adjacent room, without seeing the layout.
    For more info click on june 15th-16th meeting page.
  • october 7th 2006, Oleggio (NO): FREMO-Italia N organize a meeting at member Mario Vason's house, in the basement.
    Some new modules were part of this installment.
    For more info click on october 7th 2006 meeting page.
  • april 29th-30th 2006, Florence: FREMO-Italia N attended the popular "Florence Days" event, organized by the GMFF (Florence Railroad Modellers Group) and the ASN (N Scale Friends).
    The goal of our presence there was to promote the FREMO idea and let people try and be part of it for one day. For this reason we set up a FREMO layout and led seset l operat ng sessions, allowing people to attend as Conductor, Engineer, Station Master...
    The event had much success, giving us new motivation to go on. After it new modules are in the planning or building phase, to be addeed to the ones already presented in the january 2006 meeting.
    For more info click on april, 29-30th 2006 Meeting page.
  • january, 7th 2006 - Torino: FREMO-Italia N, the very first meeting. During this day modules have been tested bith mechanically and electrically and a first test operating sessio took place in the late afternoon.
    For more info click on First Meeting page.

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